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In today's blog, we are going to talk about the treatments and massage for people who have Mesothelioma.
Now before getting into this any further we would like to explain :
What is a Mesothelioma?
What are the Mesothelioma Symptoms?
Who are the people that most at risk of developing mesothelioma and does Cambodia have it too?
How many types of mesothelioma are there?
What are the Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
How many types of Complementary and Miscellaneuos therapies?
Why Is Massage Therapy So Popular?
1. What is a mesothelioma?
According to the Asbestos.com by The Mesothelioma Center, it is a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. The malignant tumors form in the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart. Symptoms can include shortness of breath and chest pain. The life expectancy for most mesothelioma patients is approximately 12 months after diagnosis.
It means that it is a characterized by malignant tumors that develop in the mesothelium, a layer of protective tissue that covers several organs.
The four types of mesothelioma are identified by the location where tumors develop:
Pleural mesothelioma (lungs)
peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen)
pericardial mesothelioma (heart)
mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis (testes)
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer. Treatments are available to extend life expectancy and improve quality of life, but there is no cure.
Watch: Mesothelioma expert Dr. David Sugarbaker answers the question: What is mesothelioma cancer? Click Here https://www.asbestos.com/mesothelioma/

2. What are the Mesothelioma Symptoms?
Symptoms of mesothelioma appear when tumors spread, grow and press against the chest wall and the abdominal cavity. Early diagnosis can help patients’ chances of benefitting from more treatment options. Because symptoms are like those of other conditions, an initial misdiagnosis is common. It’s important to be aware of your history of asbestos exposure and discuss it with your doctor as soon as possible.
Common Mesothelioma Symptoms
Dry cough
Shortness of breath
Respiratory complications
Chest or abdominal pain
Fever or night sweats
Pleural effusion (fluid around the lungs)
Weakness in the muscles
If you want to read more about the symptom further click the link below here for more info.

3. How Mesothelioma Develops?
The primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. This exposure can happen from repeated use of asbestos-contaminated consumer products such as talc. Asbestos in the workplace, homes, schools, military structures and naval ships also leads to dangerous exposure. Mesothelioma cancer develops decades after asbestos exposure occurs because it takes time for asbestos fibers to cause the damage that leads to cancer.
How Mesothelioma Develops?
A person inhales or swallows microscopic airborne asbestos fibers.
The asbestos fibers become lodged in the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart.
Embedded fibers damage mesothelial cells and cause inflammation.
Over time, tumors form on the damaged mesothelium, leading to mesothelioma.
4. Who are the people that most at risk of developing mesothelioma and does cambodia have it too?
People most at risk of developing mesothelioma cancer handled asbestos for a prolonged period of time or were exposed to large amounts of occupational asbestos. Secondhand exposure is also common, especially among the spouses and children of people who worked with asbestos. Veterans were also exposed while serving in the U.S. armed forces.
Auto mechanics
Chimney sweeps
Construction workers
HVAC technicians
Textile mill workers
Family members
Yes, Cambodia also do have it too, according to phnompenhpost.
Dr Leng Tong, director of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, said that asbestos in Cambodia is mostly used in building sites and car brakes.
“Health problems caused by asbestos mostly occur among construction workers – most commonly asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer,” he said.
For more information about this cancer in Phnom Penh. Check out "Phnom Penh Post". They have an in-depth information and many other great content about this:
Click the link below:
4. How many types of mesothelioma are there?
The four types of mesothelioma are defined by where tumors develop in the body. The most common types are Pleural and Peritoneal mesothelioma. Pericardial and Testicular mesothelioma account for less than 2% of cases combined.
If you want to know more about these 4 types click here:
5. What are the Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
According to "The Mesothelioma Center", Mesothelioma complementary and alternative treatments are meant to ease cancer symptoms and relieve treatment side effects. Alternative mesothelioma treatments are not intended to cure or treat the cancer. Common alternative treatments for mesothelioma include herbal medicine, medical marijuana, acupuncture, energy therapy, yoga, meditation and more.
Watch: Patient Advocate Karen Selby shares the ways she helps mesothelioma patients seeking out alternative and complementary therapies.
You may have seen this terminology before, but you may not know what the words “complementary” and “alternative” mean in the context of health care.
Complementary medicine or complementary therapy refers to approaches used in combination with conventional medicine.
Alternative medicine refers to approaches used in place of conventional medicine.
Alternative medicine is not commonly used by people with mesothelioma. Most cancer patients avoid alternative medicine and choose to combine proven complementary therapies with conventional medicine.
No alternative treatment has ever been proven to cure mesothelioma or improve survival rates. The use of some alternative treatments may negatively impact a patient by delaying or avoiding a more scientifically proven form of treatment.
What Is Integrative Medicine?
Integrative medicine is a type of CAM that unites conventional medicine with complementary therapies to address the holistic health of the person. When this approach is used in cancer care it is called integrative oncology.
A healthy, balanced diet and exercise to improve quality of life.
Medical marijuana, acupuncture and TENS therapy to manage mesothelioma pain and side effects of chemotherapy.
Mind-body techniques, such as meditation and yoga, to help cope with mental and emotional stress.
Integrative oncology only uses evidenced-based complementary therapies. This means the therapies have been proven safe and successful in cancer research.
Integrative Oncology Programs at Mesothelioma Cancer Centers
Some mesothelioma cancer centers offer complementary therapies through integrative oncology programs.
These programs unite clinically proven complementary therapies with conventional medicine. They treat the whole person, not just the disease.
The programs offer a variety of complementary therapies. Some of these include massage, acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, meditation and nutritional counseling.
6. How many types of Complementary and Miscellaneuos Therapies?
Types of Complementary Therapies
Many of the following complementary therapies are used in palliative medicine to control mesothelioma symptoms or alleviate treatment side effects.
Oncology Nutrition
Herbal Medicine
Mental Health Therapies
Mind-Body Therapies
Miscellaneous Types of Complementary Therapies
TENS Therapy
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Therapeutic and Lymphatic Massage
Energy Therapies
Read More click here : https://www.asbestos.com/treatment/alternative/
7. Why Is Massage Therapy So Popular?
Rather than the pleasant indulgence I once thought it to be, massage therapy is a form of healing that dates to ancient times when civilizations in the East and West used natural healing and massage to heal injuries, relieve pain, as well as prevent and cure illness.
The medical community recognizes the healing qualities of massage, and it has earned its place alongside other therapies used in hospitals and treatment centers across the globe to improve the quality of life for people suffering from all kinds of diseases, including mesothelioma.
There are three main types of massage that target different conditions in the body.
Remedial massage: Helps heal soft tissue
Therapeutic massage: Also known as Swedish or relaxation massage, it promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being
Lymphatic drainage massage: Relaxes the nervous system and helps the body’s immune system function more efficiently
The benefits of massage therapy include feelings of deep relaxation and calm, lessened muscle tension, improved circulation, stimulation of the lymphatic system and reduced anxiety and depression, among others.
Read More Click Here: https://www.asbestos.com/blog/2016/12/03/massage-therapy-cancer-patients-popularity/
Here are the 2 types of massage treatment that we recommend is :